Category Repair

Re:Community Edition 6

Six Months of Fixing Things, Healing Planet First Sunday of October brought us all together for the 6th edition of RE:Community in Vadodara. It was a special Repair Community as we had invited our engineer friend Ashish Ranjan to teach…

Re:Community Edition 5

Fixing Together For The Planet The beginning of September brought with it the first Sunday and the first Sunday brought around Repair Community Edition 5. After the rain-soaked, flooded past week in Vadodara, it was a pleasant and pretty warm…

RE:Community Edition 4

On a cloud-laden, rain-forecasted, Sunday afternoon, a small group of committed repairers and sustainability champions met for repairing stuff that would otherwise have been consigned to waste.

RE:Community – Edition 3

Kudos to parents who took time to bring their children to these workshops, working and spending time away from screens, while building a strong sustainability community together.

Phoebus Cartel

Driven by the desire to sell more and more lightbulbs to earn more profits, the Phoebus Cartel aimed to dominate the global lightbulb market by setting prices and intentionally limiting the lifespan of their products to approximately 1,000 hours, a significant reduction from their potential 2,500-hour lifespan.