Category climate change

Re:Community Edition 5

Fixing Together For The Planet The beginning of September brought with it the first Sunday and the first Sunday brought around Repair Community Edition 5. After the rain-soaked, flooded past week in Vadodara, it was a pleasant and pretty warm…

Human Impact On Environment

Session 4: UNLESS: Nature & Sustainability Education Series Highlights Session 4 And just like that we are already at the half-way mark with Session 4 of the “UNLESS-Nature & Sustainability Education” series. The session started with a short nature walk…

Researched Examples on Interconnections

Interconnections in Nature – Some Examples From Across the World [Article first published by Amit Arora on LinkedIn on 7-Sep-24, International Vulture Awareness Day (IVAD)] What is the need of bees? What is the need of butterflies? What do wasps…

Interconnections in Nature

Session 2: UNLESS: Nature & Sustainability Education Series Many people ask what we intend to achieve through the “UNLESS – Nature & Sustainability Education” series for children. An important intent is to plant seeds in children’s minds and raise awareness…

It’s Elementary – Ed 3: Sustainable Personal Care Products

Almost all the personal care products sold in market contain hundreds of synthetic chemicals in the form of emulsifiers, preservatives, additives, cleansers colourants or fragrance. How then to take care of our health when the corporate greed takes over the markets and we are left to fend for our safety?