Category climate change

It’s Elementary – Ed 3: Sustainable Personal Care Products

Almost all the personal care products sold in market contain hundreds of synthetic chemicals in the form of emulsifiers, preservatives, additives, cleansers colourants or fragrance. How then to take care of our health when the corporate greed takes over the markets and we are left to fend for our safety?

It’s Elementary – Edition 2

About 40 participants of diverse age groups (some young, some very young and some still young) braved high humidity levels and joined us on the mindful nature journaling journey this Sunday in the green surroundings of Vinoba Ashram in Vadodara.

Phoebus Cartel

Driven by the desire to sell more and more lightbulbs to earn more profits, the Phoebus Cartel aimed to dominate the global lightbulb market by setting prices and intentionally limiting the lifespan of their products to approximately 1,000 hours, a significant reduction from their potential 2,500-hour lifespan.

RE:Community -Edition Two

Re:Community is a space to learn, unlearn, and relearn all such things and take baby steps towards building sustainable communities that respect Earth's limited resources

It’s Elementary- Edition One

What's the connection between beads and sustainability? Well, you see, beads that are available in the market are made of plastic. It's symbolic of our use and throw culture. It's inexpensive so one does not have to think much before buying it. And just because it's inexpensive, one can throw it away as well after use without sparing a thought.