It’s Elementary – Edition 2

About 40 participants of diverse age groups (some young, some very young and some still young) braved high humidity levels and joined us on the mindful nature journaling journey this Sunday in the green surroundings of Vinoba Ashram in Vadodara.

Confined to our homes in front of the screens of different sizes, many of us are losing the natural connect with nature and environment. The second edition of It’s Elementary was held on 23-June-2024 on the topic of mindful nature journaling. The main intent of the session was to allow participants to connect with nature once more, observe it closely and deeply, to be amazed once again, and to relfect.

About 40 participants of diverse age groups (some young, some very young and some still young) braved high humidity levels and joined us on the mindful nature journaling journey this Sunday in the green surroundings of Vinoba Ashram in Vadodara.

The session started with a few larger questions around nature and our increasing disconnect with it; as also the objective of this workshop which in a larger sense was connecting back with nature through deep observation and reflective writing. The session facilitator guided the participants with the flow and what they shall do while they go out to observe. A few prompts were also provided to participants observe, wonder and reflect.

A participant who had observed a nest on a tree during the nature observation was reminded of a fight between a pair of birds to occupy the nest. Another participant shared that it was after a long time that he walked barefoot and could feel the earth beneath his feet. Another participant keenly observed a small plant growing at the ground level and wondered its role in the nature and ecosystem. Many participants observed fallen leaves, creepers, fallen seeds and fruits and wrote and drew in journal about the same. Another participant wondered about the size of pomegranates on ashram trees and it took her back to the small size of pomegranates in her own home garden. For some it helped them be more mindful about nature and shared the feedback about how they have started observing insects that appear after the rains.

A young participant observed how he was reminded of the time when he was learning to ride a cycle and he hit a tree but due to the soft earth underneath he wasn’t hurt.

We hope to see many more of you in the coming sessions to keep building a community that cares for nature and sustainability.

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