RE:Community -Edition One

Amidst the trending consumption focused approach of planned obsolescence and fast fashion, we gathered to witness the joy of soldering, rewiring, restitching and building community of repairers at RE: Community, a first-of-its-kind repair gathering that took place on first Sunday of May

Amidst the trending consumption focused approach of planned obsolescence and fast fashion, we gathered to witness the joy of soldering, rewiring, restitching and building community of repairers at RE: Community, a first-of-its-kind repair gathering that took place on May 5, 2024 in Vadodara. We believe that when people come together with a shared intention, things small and big can be fixed.

The first Repair Community event (RE:Community) at Vadodara was held on the first Sunday of May, with the theme of “Fixing Things, Healing Planet”. The Core idea of RE: Community is to encourage and support each other in building a community and culture of repair. It is our small way to experience that when people come together, things small and big, can be fixed joyfully.

About 20 people holding the similar intention gathered to experience the joy of fixing old and broken things, together. Why this community of repairers? Mindless over consumption of resources through things that are seem inexpensive upfront but carry a huge price for the planet and its inhabitants has brought us on the brink of the environmental disasters that we are currently facing. This RE:Community is one of the various ways of building awareness towards our consumption habits and a slight nudge towards the alternative ways. When we throw away things we throw away resources and when we buy new things as replacement we are using up or exploiting the natural resources which are limited. For these 20 people, this was an opportunity to be a contributor towards the healing of our planet. 

More than 30-year-old analog radio, laptop, keyboard, extension cords, stuff toy, mixer, hairdryer, adapters, bedsheet, and many more such things we attempted to repair and succeeded in most of them. From a 7-year-old girl who learnt to open extension board to an 80-year-old sharing her wisdom of bringing longevity to things as well, the diverse community explored the inner world of fixing everyday home equipments, gadgets, sheets and toys.

We are grateful to all friends who could make it to the first repair party with a “bhaav” to be a part of the sustainability community. Gratitude to all who made this first event happen and supported in multiple small ways, from providing space, providing tools, coming early to help arrange, clicking photos and asking questions, serving with their skills and warmth and helping wrap up the event on-time:)

You may read more about the idea, intent and vision here.

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One comment

  1. We have some plastic waste like used ball pens and other items. A creative mind can make articles from it.

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